Saturday, October 13, 2012

Gallstones : Psyllium Husks and DR OZ

Gallstones : Psyllium Husks and DR OZ: Today I will try some other item that came across to my attention ; It's called the magic : Psyllium Husks, according to DR Oz, this product...

Psyllium Husks and DR OZ

Today I will try some other item that came across to my attention ; It's called the magic : Psyllium Husks, according to DR Oz, this product is a miracle,

Psyllium fiber comes from the small reddish brown to black seeds of the Plantago Psyllium plant. Plantago grows as a weed in many places around the world and is commercially cultivated in Spain, France, India, Pakistan and other countries. Psyllium seeds are commonly dried and ground and sold in the form of powders, capsules or chewable tablets. Every 100 grams of psyllium provides 71 grams of soluble fiber; a similar amount of oat bran would contain only 5 grams of soluble fiber.

Psyllium helps to prevent gallstones. Gallstones (also known as cholelithiasis) are pebble-like substances that form in your gallbladder (the organ responsible for storing bile). Bile is a fluid that helps your body digest fat. When bile contains too much cholesterol or other materials, it can harden into gallstones. These gallstones can then block the normal flow of bile from the gallbladder, which can lead to pain.

It  provides you with a better intestinal health and colon care (It helps you to loose weight by getting rid of what you stomach dont need: "fats") It provides you with  fiber which can be found on fruits and vegetables but because I can only do the juices on the weekends I will try this on a daily to  see how it goes.

The Olive Oil + Black seed oil + Lime juice is been working out well, I can feel he difference in my skin, it feels very soft, so soft that yesterday I had trouble taking my metro card out of my wallet because of the softness I got on my fingertips (I am not lying , true story!)

I will continue doing this procedure for a month to see where it takes me to  , In the mean I suggest to eveyone to prepare a juice of pine apple, celery orange juice, spinach, and carrots, it taste good and it's very healthy

see you soon!

Gallstones : 30 POUNDS IN 3 MONTHS???

Gallstones : 30 POUNDS IN 3 MONTHS???: Here I am, in the middle of ordering home fries with fried eggs and sausage plus white toast with butter…… sounds delicious huh? Instead I ...

Gallstones : 30 POUNDS IN 3 MONTHS???

Gallstones : 30 POUNDS IN 3 MONTHS???: Here I am, in the middle of ordering home fries with fried eggs and sausage plus white toast with butter…… sounds delicious huh? Instead I ...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Here I am, in the middle of ordering home fries with fried eggs and sausage plus white toast with butter…… sounds delicious huh? Instead I am having home made plain tea with a banana and toasted bread with ham…. It’s about the same but with fewer carbohydrates…..
Last Thursday 10/4/2012, I was diagnosed with multiple gallstones (Not only one or two but multiples)

The doctor put me on a deadline, he told me straight up that I have to lose at least 30 pounds until January 2013, right in that moment I thought about not eating anything and starve myself to death so I can lose the extra weight in the next 2 weeks  (This is what I used to do when I was 22, I lost so much weight I became size 0 or -0 at some point), then my plane crashed to earth and realize that I am 30 years old and my body is not going to respond as it did when I was on my twenties.

I left the clinic in shock and called my fiancĂ© to give him the bad news, I started mumbling on the phone, I couldn’t express my fear and sadness at the same time t, I don’t want to go for surgery I said, there has to be a natural way to get rid of these stones..

I came to the conclusion that there are 3 ways to get rid of them:

1-      GOD
2-      To lose weight of course! (The stones will remain there because of the fat that I have accumulated within this years, the less fat, the easier the stones will disappear)
3-      Olive Oil, Black Seed oil, lemon and Lecithin granules

So far so good, I been constipated since Monday lol
 I guess is because I am being thinking about it every day…..The gallstones…the multiple Gallstones…. The surgery……

I have been taking the mix of olive oil, black seed oil and lemon juice for the last 3 days twice a day, I feel that my stomach is cleaning up and to tell you the truth, most of the time I feel super full after eating a small meal.
I guess this is the beginning of a new me …..